Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Me too, lol

Here are the full images in case people can’t be bothered to go on twitter

Nimbus release feb 25th???
nah thats not happening anytime soon, why am i lying to myself

I think it may be a ziggurat, which if I remember correctly were temples built by the Sumerians and Mesopotamians.

“A holy temple dedicated to the patron god or deity of the city.”


Though while it is interesting, it seems to be slightly different from the ziggurats shown online, like the roofs. Seems isolated from everything else, so maybe its not exactly a Samerian building?

possibly, like an embassy of a different nation?

Possibly. It was actually reminding me of that abadoned building on Ravenna that was also built high up on the mountain, its really giving me those vibes.

Sumerian Sameria…

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Samerian, Sumerian, yeah not that hard to tell what Sameria is based off of


Im scared for nimbus to release… so many people will head there it will be chaos! Perhaps vetex may make the servers hold 5 people again just for a small bit!

Alright I’ll just dump my thoughts here

  • Vetex didn’t want to share the island until it was almost complete, chances are what we see is what we’re getting
  • We have three images
  • As stated, Sameria has 4 towns, we might not be seeing all of them .

Starting with this image,

This shows a town which I’ll be calling the “Capital” due to the castle.
Straight away, we can see a large striking yellow building which assumably is the main fortress of Sameria. It looks as if its located slightly behind the town. It looks as if its inspired by buildings like the Taj Mahal with large domes on the roof - Mughal architecture if anyone would like to know (thanks google).

The actual town has quite large clusters buildings also with domes on as well, I’ll just attribute that to “Heat and stuff (thanks physics)” It is surrounded by multiple large rocks. The port we see looks to be a harbour, as at the bottom of the image we can see a tree. This means it’s sheltered by land, assumably opening up into the sea to the right. As we can also see the [Idk if the name for this is public] out back, separated by a stretch of water, we can also assume Capital is in the North West of the island.

Although it initially seems to be the main city, there is a lack of defences other than the natural rock formations, so I see why Keraxe considers it an easy target.

Next up,

This town looks to be different, however the layout of boats could suggest that it also Capital. If this is the case, Capital may be on a thin piece of land surrounded by the sea, an interesting design but only more angles for Keraxe to attack from.
Only a couple things to note.
This town also has an enclosed harbour, A canal leads out of the harbour into the sea, where we can see what could be the wilderness island.
There is a large mountain on the other side of the Canal, with a temple like structure upon it. No clue what this could be - probably a military fortress or martial artist’s home perhaps. For all we know it could be our first look at a nation’s Curse Vault.
The layout of the town is similar to what we’ve seen in Ravenna, with colourful market stalls where shopkeepers will sell their wares.

This last image I think further confirms the location of Capital.

This town is situated on the end of the Canal from the last image, we can also see the mountain and natural rock formations as well as the town from the previous (two) image(s) in the background. This town seems to be situated on the south edge of the island, so I’ll call it “South”
South seems to be a major port for Sameria, with imports and exports passing through. I have doubts that it is a military port for reasons I won’t mention.
There is plenty of greenery here, with two large mountains in the background assumably obscuring where we would see the Castle, I like the style of the town in general.

And that’s all I’ve managed to pick out here.


I dont know if itll ever get to that high amount on release. But who knows?

I am just scared of being super ganked or vaporized by thousands of spells while trying to do the same quests as everyone else… Not to mention i kinds like the 5 playah server when they were released they felt so immersive!

My game’s bound to go into a slideshow going into this island, but it’s worth it.

Not the lag!.. Nimbus will drop us all down 10 more FPS…

Imagine the same fps drop approaching Sameria just like Mt Orthys… :sob:

Of course, I could be wrong and its caused by something else

That happens to you too?! That barrier of lag sometiems prevenrs ne goung to orthys or going around it while near it in the dark aea… Hopefully Sameria will be like ravenna!

and once you’ve finally reached sameria after 3 hours of sitting on a barely moving ship, your game just runs perfectly fine


The technique I do when approaching Mt Orthys is just to prevent getting any closer and just sail around it till Im next to the entrance. Drop my graphics to one, and make my camera face the other side. It reduces it at least.