Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

we stan a rugged man with a beard and scars who isn’t afraid to put a little zest in his stance


Why no vitality armor showcase?

alt text says what each set is

from left to right, top to bottom

It is the vitality gear

we can finally do druid cosplays with oracle set
(as long as there’s color variations)


If there were color variations wouldn’t they be listed on the trello?

Huh, so there IS vitality set among these six? Nice, but oracle robes are the last set I would wish to see, oracle armor and alitheia sound way better

does that mean, if the necklace is a vitality accessory…



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Dont worry the art was completely made on a mobile platform no need to accuse

Praise the light of noble!

My respect for Enizor went from 100% to 110%

My respect for Enizor went from -1000% to -999%

I have a gut feeling Enzior’s gonna be a high lord of the Order or something bad.

He’s hiding something, I know it.

EDIT: I’m now convinced ENZIOR caused the winterveil extermination event.

Yeah its obvious this old man is hiding something from us, and his philosopher’s stone research is also sus. Entire community knows what is he researching, yet he tries to hide it. But I still trust him, no matter what

“Listen I NEED those crystals for uh… research! Yeah research thats right!”
Nudges his bong behind the doorframe with his foot

what did bro do he’s just a 50 year old man.

his parents might’ve not existed back then, for sure him. also it’s literally said Nero blew up Winterveil before getting all of Ravenna to murder Winterveil folks. if anything Enzior is from Winterveil.

Yoo it’s the old fire outfit from AA.

Okay we’re still in the running for the bruiser set to just be either a tank top or shirtless

Trust me man Enzior covered his tracks really well, which is why Calvus is so mad all the time.

This for some reason I still mildly see Phantom Hourglass in, the spirit of wisdom gave you damage resistance and less time lost when caught by a Phantom, the spirit of power made you just deal more damage, and the spirit of courage made you shoot beams with every attack.

granted the courage powers don’t really match up but you can see it as the projectiles let you avoid attacks which helps you survive longer just like regeneration.

It almost certainly isn’t a Phantom Hourglass reference but it would be cool, not to mention Phantom Hourglass has some really good mechanics that would be nice to have in AO