Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

top middle might do good for my duke erisia cosplay

The new stats

  • Game Moderator
  • Angry game moderator
  • Negative Drawback
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Imagine having that donjon in AO, that would be an absolute hell

correction:Resistance Should be Angry Game Moderator, and Armor Pierce is an Angry Balance Team Member.

These icons look so fire :fire:

The middle one looks like a better pirate captain set by a long shot.

Resistance, Defense and Armor Piercing:








You are not cooking

I wonder if the border will also cut through Mount Othrys
Imagine finally reaching the top to get your first awakening then get teleported to the nimbus sea because you had a bit too much fun exploring :sob:

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Yeah, is it connected to the side of a cliff face or is it a world border void?

Ah yes


I don’t know if I like the triangles better or the gradient from AA

The AA teleport barrier makes its grand return

If it happened they wpuld just get a notification asking if they want to travel to the nimbus sea

Intensity wind mages on their way to throw people into the teleport barrier

you guys know it lets you CHOOSE if you go to the nimbus sea when you touch the border, right?

Or simply don’t let u go if u in combat