Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

yeah shut the

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At a certain point this topic is gonna become another reminders except instead of only being able to post screenshots of updates to AO and commenting on them without discussion it’ll be posting screenshots of reminders and briefly discussing them

Uh, as you wish. Keeping freedom of this topic is one of main priorities

What did he even say, was it the lowtiergod unfunny?

the black lightning dude with the “you should (censored) NOW”

Ah, so it was that. Lowtiergod unfunny.

lowtiergod unfunny as opposed to luigi “thunder!” funny

Love yourself NOW!

on a more related topic, I got to see some pretty epic pics of sameria (that sadly I cannot share with y’all cuz it’s patreon) and it’s pretty impressive.

we got a better look at the temple too, which all I’ll describe about it is that it sorta reminds me of the castle at ravenna.

maybe there’s a boss in there? and what metal do you guys think makes up the domes? gold or possibly something more exotic like arcanium

wait did vetex add the [sell specific amount] thing to shops yet?
I know that he’s done the [add specific amount] for trades but I’m not sure about shops

Yeah, they’re seriously super cool. I expected sameria to be this whole desert island akin to a giant savaria, but instead we have some trees and grass. It’s really pleasant!

ravenna but… hotter.

Maybe it’s a ravenna embassy? If you say it reminds you of the castle from ravenna.
Now that you mention it, would it be similar to the building on the side of mount Ceaser covered in moss?

Now I don’t think it’s an embassy since the architecture of the temple/palace is vastly different than ravenna’s, also there’s samerian flags on it (you can see this on the normal leak as well thats not patreon only), so I assume it’s a place of royalty.

but if you want my conspiracy theories… I think it’s another library of some kind.

I’m not sure why a library would have domes made from presumably solid gold but who knows maybe samerians really like knowledge, I just think this place might be some sort of academic facility, or maybe a religious site.

yeah, I also had that kind of feeling when I first saw the building
it makes sense if it’s some kind of archive

maybe it contains like, scrolls or something.

like records of royalty or historic events of the kingdom

maybe even curse records of what the kingdom possesses.

These theories are interesting. The big dome building is important, but what is its purpose?

it’s probably cultural significance since sameria is all about the sun (given their flag) so I think it might represent like the sun idfk I’m starting to ramble :sob:

I hope there’s not a boss in there.
If the similarities between it and the Castello are true, then the last thing we need is to make them even more alike.
I hope that armorer merchants will also sell region-exclusive gear and weapons (Redwake, Ravenna, Cirrus Island, Monoah Village) in the next update too

this means bounty cap was also increased to 5 billion, have fun with majors and maybe any new ones