Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

forumers trying to not fall for the most obvious trello bait ever:
Spongebob Challenge Psy GIF - Spongebob Challenge Psy - Discover & Share GIFs

we want the bronze sealed thing so bad that we believe it

Vetex tries to make game realistic by adding tan and dirt, but he will never achieve it without separating models.

Anatomically correct :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Every day we draw closer

im sorry i had to
i’ll be back tomorrow


I know where you live

Im honestly so exited for next update’s armors, especialy mage (im paladin so i want to look cool in iron set :slight_smile: )
But i keep wondering why there is no mention of hybrid armor, because Reinforced set sounds like Knight one, and Juggernaut is…well…juggernaut’s

Because vetex doesn’t plan on making hybrid armor?

aw :frowning:
imo each build should get something speicifc to them outside of awakening

Awakenings aren’t really all that unique since most of them just boil down to imbues

Well they do still get weapons unique to them like Argos’ weapons so at least theres that

Conjurers - Arcanium Weapons
Warlords - Strength weapons

Savants - Arcanium strength weapons???
Knights - spirit weapons weapons???

Juggernauts - ???
Warlocks - ???
Paladins - ???

and by most of them we mean 3 as of current and only one more later on

we have 10 classess we can play (not 11 because wardens are locked :frowning: )

3 classess have imbue
5 have additional magic or fighting style
2 have weapon aura

half of all classess just get additional magic or fighting style :sob:

Well lets see, we’ve got conjurer, warlock, warlord, juggernaut, knight(?), and paladin. Ignoring knight, since I have no clue if spirit imbues were confirmed for it or not, that’s still 5/12 classes that share generally the same awakening

You could also count savant if you want to make it 6/12 but that class gets everything except anything beyond the base magics

Juggernaut, knight and paladin have zero mentions of any imbuements, what are you on??

It would be Conjurer, Warlock, warlord and savant later on with second awakening, which is 4/11.

what would be more accurate is that most awakenings share having a secondary attack option of the non-switchable/difficult to swap routes (aka not weapons), being mage, berserker, conjurer, warlock, warlord, savant, juggernaut and paladin. This would be 8/11, which is doubled that of the imbue ones.

Look man, It’s what I’ve heard from the patreon members

brother i am a patreon member too, i can guarantee they’re either misinformed or bullshitting you