Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Jump ult is returning! Something that I have actually expressed a desire for is actually planned to be added.

Lightning Magic being the ‘canon’ magic that AO MC uses is. . Interesting. .

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can’t fucking believe this lol

Agora people will be a new clan holy shit

Yeah i mean lightning was always vetex’s most iconic and prolly fav magic

I could have sworn I saw a question that was just “Is Warren canon?” and I found the idea of it so funny, but since I couldn’t find it I assume I just read “Warden” and “Torren” at around the same time

Honestly, it was either going to be lightning or fire for the MC

I kept asking for Vetex to blow up Sameria with cataclysm but he didn’t see my chat messages :frowning:

Man, I wanted to ask an important question, but YT became laggy as hell due to the amount of people spamming live chat by the time they started the chat QnA, and then I got dragged into other matters irl. :sob:

Also, Lightning possibly being MC’s canonical magic? Thats literally the magic that I considered the most plausible lmao, I considered changing my AO MC’s First Magic into Lightning once cause I ended up placing more emphasis on the lightning motifs in my art ideas than the other planned magics lol.

I loved how there were so many people spaming in chat that youtube legitimely became a powerpoint slide

Literally, it was a damn nightmare, even when I keep refreshing YT, it was still broke as hell, wtf

Lightning is the MC’s canon magic, vetex said it himself.

chat mods were sleeping :sleepy:

I feel kinda overjoyed by that confirmation. Probs because I kinda predicted it, I once racked my brain trying to figure out which magic they would canonically have, it constantly kept changing lol

Actually, that’s even.


what do you guys think about the fact that there are man-made magics?
(also how this contradicts the ‘all magics have a curse version’ because man-made magics dont…)

Indifferent, they existed since AA so they were bound to exist in AO

Didn’t Vetex say “I don’t know” and Tech was the one to suggest Lightning? I think Vetex is the guy with the deeper voice, but I might be wrong.

Not really a patch note, but it does answer some questions regarding the Nimbus sea

Yknow… I love the update development, and i love where the games going. But even though i knew the level cap would be kinda low… BUT 5 levels?! Thats… barely even a level cap increase… Hopefully its at least 135, so maybe we can have tier III beams.