Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Guess what was confirmed on todays stream

I can run Blizzard as a first on Cori, and Lunar instead of water…

it’s a miracle

Also, more info on spirit weapons and what they look like

There’s barely any man made magics in the lore, the only ones technically being poseidon magic and aether lightning, and aether lightning wasn’t even canon until it became a lost magic on the list

I wonder the spirit weapon user will either be a boss or a new ally?

I’m going to guess ally since I doubt Sameria has any direct beef with the MC & Co.

If they’re from Skyhall then it’s a completely different story

ACSHUALLY, it’s 7 levels

“One of them will be an upcoming story character has is a bracelet.”

Stares at Iris’ bracelet

“My bracelet? It’s a family heirloom that was passed down to me by my father, it was the last interaction I had with him-”
The MC sensing even the slightest bit of spiritual energy from it:


right… like it shouldve been wind :rage:

The current story objective is “Shady Business”
Is that from bronze or is it new perhaps?

Nimbus definetly, no other objective has had us specifically “meet with the others”

i donnnt want to pop the buuubble, but i think it just refers to regular bracelete

So no lvl boost for having already maxed file…only bobux…

aw, that means that pvers wont be able to hide themself with power-slider :sob:

seeing as the spirit weapon bracelet is explicitly stated to be something for an upcoming character, it is likely neither for iris or the oracle bracelet.

It was confirmed? QnA transcript says nothing about it.

Honestly… I thought water was the closest.

doesn’t have to be bobux, a product could still be smth else you can still get in-game but yeah imo it’s fine having a gamepass for it, but you having a maxxed file should still give your other files an exp boost.

(also please only let you purchase the levels on another file after you maxxed a char already.)



it’s likely that the item that allows you to do that will be rarer than an acrim.
atleast the traders will eat good if that’s true.