Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Oop, well second technique axe slash will be inaccessbile for probably half a year or more now

Not like you would really need axe slash on your 2nd style, unless you really like procing bleed or something

Let me have hope :pray:

Man doesn’t realise 132 - 5 (a round number) =127 so its basically the same thing

yeah and i don’t like having to be forced to completly change my stat build in general. if it’s because of some balance issues then that i can understand, that happens, balancing is hard af. but this? this is very much avoidable.

(also a reason on why i don’t like the focus on pvp atm, things keep changing too much and someone who plays casually and someone who grinds shit out has WAY too big of a stat difference for damage and such even though they are the same level. normally that’s not a problem but pvp is forced upon you everytime a pvp head decides to just kill you. this might not be a big problem in the future when the story is done, but that will be YEARS off into the future.)

ok so basically you and other people are the reason on why AO will never become big.

you completly disregard more casual players, fucking deepwoken got a better thing going there tf


They’re also probably not gonna do the 5 player servers despite having 2 chapters to spread out 20 people over.

And they wonder why new players don’t join this game

yeah new player experience ain’t great atm. there’s many things wrong that you can encounter when doing a new char, one big thing is that the combat level is WAY too low, or just is done wrong.

i don’t remember what the combat level was, but the second you are in that your ass can’t do ANYTHING against higher levels, especially awakened players. while sure getting attacked by players is rare, especially when being low level, but when it happends it completly sucks.

then some smaller stuff like not getting told where dodge reflex is at all.

Literally who cares if ao “gets big” or not i actually like it the way it is rn because the community is already a trainwreck so imagine how much worse it’d get if ao “”“got big”“”

You’re right we’d have more people like you here, so maybe AO becoming bigger isn’t a good thing after all :thinking:


preach my glorious king

What lol

they’re saying people don’t like you


Well, im sure Sameria will be great! Itll be enough for a month im sure. If the cap is like… 132-135, ill just do a few bronze and dark sea chores and ill be fine! Wish it could be like… artificially raised.

this account must be bait bro :sob:

i did not have a lot of trouble progressing files. i maybe got jumped the one time but it was fine since death has like no consequences in ao. deepwoken’s new player experience is like millions of times worse and yet it still has like 30k players or something so like shitting on ao for this is unreasonable imo

You murdered him

Bro is a sleeper agent I have never seen this guy :skull:

the moment this game runs out of players is the moment it stops getting updates, players = money = more updates = more players = more longevity

you’re informed via a notification when a new quest opens up when you reach the minimum required level to take it, rill hendrix’s quest for dodge reflexes is at level 120 so most players wouldn’t have seen it

the minimum pvp level is 50. let that sink in. less than half of the levels in the game are safe from getting ganked by someone stronger than you.
i hope to god t he minimum pvp level gets changed so that you can fight anyone level 50 and above only if you don’t have an awakening and are below level 120, then you have another bracket after awakening

vetex has said he will work on ao even if there’s 0 players