Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

oh i didnt know that part oops

the other ones still stand tho

Makes sense considering he will make AO a novel (if that roblox clause about roblox games being owned by the company is not enforceable)

Vetex said somewhere that the new level requirements for skills are to reflect the actual strength the mc needs to use them, so I doubt he cares that builds are losing abilities atp.


Sort of wondering if Mages with 2nd Magic Javelin or hybrids with Javelin/Selino will keep it in their movepool or if it’ll get wiped off the face of earth.

It’ll probably just vanish just like how switching styles gets rid of the rare techniques

I think I remember reading somewhere a while ago that the plan is you can keep it but you just won’t be able to use it until the point requirement is reached.

I don’t remember where and I don’t remember if it came from a mouth that has actual authoritative knowledge on this kinda thing

Genius design

Gotta love when lore comes before gameplay


no itll stay, you just cant use it

Currently multi guns aren’t exactly great

Alright??? I guess still don’t understand what i did to deserve that but forums moment ig

have you ever actually used them?
they can do some insane dps on bosses

They’re great for npcs, subpar for actual players though

deepwoken’s new player experience is dogshit yeah, but most people are just fine using wiki’s or their friend’s help getting to know the game so that’s why there’s still like 30k players playing, but what i meant with deepwoken having it better was the casual aspect, me not having the best of the best stuff doesn’t mean i get completly stomped by someone on my own level.

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Yeah they’re ok for bosses, I was mostly talking about pvp. I’m pretty sure the siren bow might do more dps agaisnt bosses as well but I’m not sure

yeah, but siren is a more constant damage source, while multi guns are a bit higher damaged burst option
also bullets travel a bit faster, so it’s easier to hit enemies

and you don’t have to go to the dark sea and farm sirens

Probably because you haven’t actually contributed anything meaningful to the level 132 cap discussions.

All you’ve been doing is insulting people. You start name calling because they don’t agree with you and you’re surprised you’ve received a negative reaction? Perhaps you ought to heed your own advice and ‘LMFAOOOOOO go outside’.


How is this mf still here. Can’t someone just ban this troll and get it over with?

I haven’t contributed anything? Funny you say that because in the end i was right anyway cuz maple said eeeeexactly the same thing i did “level cap isn’t gonna be raised to 135 it will stay 132” so i was right. You’re just mad

Why would i need to get banned? I haven’t broken any rules and even if i did i don’t believe i’ve done anything ban worthy but it’s clear that the forum is full of goo brained morons unable to think critically for even a moment so i’ll probably just go back to lurking because i get nothing out of engaging with braindead people anyway

That’s great :smiley::+1: