Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Thats exactly how I think the final boss gets unsealed. Defeats the final High Lord, someone like Revon shows up and unseals the mf and ruins everything

Current story parts in the nimbus sea so far

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Oh yeah, that part in the story where Julian says “allow me to make myself clear” and then becomes transparent


last thing you hear:
“Let me be clear:”

im just gonna say what I think the ambush will be from order of most to least likely

  • anything below this but we get sent to the skies somehow
  • some keraxean ships raiding the nimbus sea jump our ass
  • skyhall comes down and starts attacking literally everyone
  • paranoid samerians (+ redwakers?) send ships to jump our ass
  • the ravenna brigs (led by revon?) stationed in the nimbus sea jump our ass
  • something related to the battle between arwald and ulcirus

Unless Arwald has a Frigate and is a good ship driver, he can’t sink our boat.
Revon in some gigachad custom-forged armor kicks in with a army of 20 Ravenna Brigs fr :frcryin:.

I did thought that it might not be Arwald since you only find out what happened to him through a side quest, but I realized that he is in the main story quest in the first place soooo…

It could be the Order… King Calvus makes a point that MC and Morden were pretty darn lucky that they actually made it as far as they did without getting recaptured by them again. And they do have a lot of influence over the War Sea, they could be everywhere.

Only problem with that though is that Vetex said that the Order wont be the main focus all the the time, and that Nimbus Sea story is more about War. It doesnt have to be the Order here.

Unless its split here. First half with Skyhall storyline is about the Order then Sameria is about war. Skyhall is also isolated from the other places since its strongly implied this place is a Sky Kingdom, might be a perfect place for operations of the Order. Could be wrong.

As for Revon… well, he did make a promise and he was already gone before MC and the gang goes to Nimbus Sea. I’d imagine he’d be pretty dead set on that promise, especially since it’s recent. But idk

Arwald when he sees a 30k hp brig very slowly moving towards him

that ambush isn’t so unexpected anymore

i was gonna post it but im a minute late grrrr

that’s actually a pretty cool name
also 2 more skill points!!

gives me creepy vibes from the name, wonder what the Forest of Masts could relate to, either it’s a port, or a ship junkyard, likely caused by the recent war after the broken treaty.

Seems like an island where a ship battle happened

ooo I think that’s the island posted on tha patron with all the ships
meaning those are probably abandoned ships?

The battle between Ulricus and Arwald?

idk ig

my navy file will certainly have an experience like this
meanwhile we got my main’s 11k hp ravennean brig on its way to ram full speed into arwald’s fleets (it’s minmaxed for speed and has a brisk light ram)

100% the ambush is Keraxe. Who else has a navy strong enough to create a giant ship graveyard?

Or its a really big shark from Sharkane Odyessy

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Hell yea, I’m going to get pulsar with those 4 points on my warrior :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

On a side note there was an animation posted here a while back with people saying that it was a cutscene in game from patreon
Maybe it could be the ambush part?