Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

dont tell them

Man, if thats the case, then the story really went from 0 to 100 real quick there. Imagine trying to stop a war, and the moment you enter the sea, there was a massacre. Vetex is really not pulling any punches there, tf-

Im guessing this is where things get real. The true Odyssey has begun.

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who could’ve ambushed us? Ravenna with its second baron or Lord Ulricus idk we’d beat them fairly easily though since we’re all stronger now

I love seeing the story develop, how the tensions will resolve or start, how we deal with the warring and the new stuff in general.

I can’t wait to see more trello patches. I can’t wait to get more ideas.


Looking at the newest Chapter section in the patch notes, it mightve not been about us at all, it mightve been a town that we stopped by that got ambushed.

yeah those images from the patreon with ships and some rocky spires did look like a populated place (judging by the ships idk if they’re player or not lololo)

I don’t think that place is a town. It’s a graveyard. for boats.

(If you want to see the sneak yourself we’re in the arthub together and i can dm it to you, no way i’m posting it publically)

Wondering what’s gonna drop first Kanye Album or Nimbus Sea Update :joy:

That was fast… Considering that they’re raising the level cap by 1 with some story parts finished. I could see it being raised to at least 135-150 for this chapter alone.

Ohoho… look at what we have here… :eyes:

Didnt expect a Pirate team up this early in the story (if it is one)

Also, the Quartermasters? :thinking:

The Pirate Hideout is a two parter like Unexpected Ambush… another infiltration arc?

Wait, didnt Vetex say this chapter is supposed to be “short”??


From what I can assume, the forest of masts serves as the hideout for some kind of well-known pirate crew given the fact that one part of the story is dedicated solely to quartermasters.

Could all be possible
Maybe the quartermasters are a bronze mines type of deal?


so far we know that someone comes to jump our ass, we head over to the first story island and meet some pirates, quite interesting

that, or perhaps we explore the hideout and talk to various pirates if we somehow ally with them and pt 2 is when you and the gang have to defend said hideout from whoevers chasing you?

he said that the first islands story would be short but he might not have included the intro and outro to the chapter maybe?


[Cue exposition dump about Sameria and Skyhall]


Towns can’t really be ambushed, considering ambushing implies walking into a trap

Towns get invaded, the invading party can get ambushed.

All i’ll say is that i might’ve seen the forest of masts, and lemme say. fire

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Have people considered that maybe pirates would help in an ambush rather than doing the ambushing. Not sure why they would but its a possibility.

Just remembered this
this is about jaw pirates


Damn, all of those jaw pirates that I murdered is gonna bite me in the ass isn’t it?

Hopefully its OUR quartermaster, istg i rlly want edward and enizor to be in the main storyline too instead the sideline or small easter egg u find in eternal mines scene