Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

(general argos music starts playin)

I found this video of the civilization that sameria is based of on
And it fits the lore perfectly

btw the nimbus sea title screen leaked music lowkey sounds like Pokemon during a christmas event prove me wrong click me

iirc that is a mario kart remix

funne lvl cap 136

I was thinking vetex was going to go with Skyward Sword sky theme as another callback to AA

I heard this was fake.

I hope it is tbh i got sick of it really fast, it’s too loud/upbeat

yh pretty sure it is

i think it would make sense enough.

this the first new sea so you should get a really big excitment feeling.

but yeah after the 30th time hearing the start of that it would be pretty annoying

So, i guess we will see navy of kingdoms from neighbour kingdoms in following seas?
Or vetex is lazy and only makes it so navy for previouse seas is present.


nvm it would apperantly be the sailing theme :skull:

well again first time it’s prolly cool, but damn

it’d be so funny if the ravenna ships dropped bronze sealed chests when you sink them

I wonder…
I wonder… if there will be new scrolls…
Like in the dark sea when they added silo, uppercut, surge, and javelin…

I think Vetex said he wouldn’t add any this update. There’s not enough time, and it’s boring work for him.

NOONE is giving vetex another week for those

The community is going rabid

your rabid if you think we haven’t already gone rabid

maybe a small in between update could be a good chance for him to add some more skills
like that one with the sunken staff and stuff

He’s already gonna be switching to monthly updates, I feel like there’s no need for small updates in-between the monthly ones. All it would really do is give the balance team less time to adjust to the new skills.