Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

literally botw

Now we need heat and cold resistance substats :speaking_head:

vetex literally just removed a circle from the middle of that icon :frcryin:

So you aren’t of age yet?

No. I made palo town over a year ago (it sat there for like 4 months after I built it though I made last second edits) and the terrain was complete ass. This island should be super easy to find charts on, actually.

Who’s this posting unrelated things in reminders. Cryonical, get this man.


No, but I have plans for more underwater stuff in the future with what I want to build

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Easy ban

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I’m genuinely hoping to see either an underground cave city or one built into the side of a giant cliff. I like it when the towns integrate into the environment like with Redwake.

Redwake is still my favorite town island in the game, its theming is so unique. And yeah cave cities are cool like blackwater grotto


but the most important question of all
did you sneak a :fr: into Shale Reef?

It’s a shield in there actually

Shale reef will be the size of the epicenter of course!

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I really want some huge claimable islands.

building a town and castle, or a port, maybe even mines would be awesomee

I believe there was something planned for clans to be able to take over kingdom islands but idk if that is still being added or not

It was planned that there would be one massive island added in every sea, made as a place for a clan to build a kingdom at a huge discount.

Probably unlocked by winning a tournament or smth

No. Also, Akontio was the one who put in the for real for palo town. I actually tried to remove it several times because I didn’t know it was allowed. :sob:

“Lend me some magic, grandfather, this is starved base protagonist we’re up against.”

-King Calvus, probably


:eyes: react this dude

A) I’m reminded of a Buddist monk by the guy, and he probably is just a monk
B) Favorite: The Privateer and Enizor
Least Favorite: Hard to say, as at worst characters are “meh”, but still slightly interesting and there’s clearly going to be more, and even factions like the Navy which I felt were kind of awkward lore-wise are at least interesting if handled correctly.