Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I am lucky to have good friends that is how.

actually this sounds pretty plausible

your king is dead, one of your general is dead and the other is out of commission

if any invaders want to, well, invade, this would literally the perfect moment, so its possible that they might have suspected this and called the fleet back instead of just leaving Ravenna completely defendless

ofc, theres the second baron, but seeing how we didnt see him the entire time its possible hes pretty far away

I have now learnt a new word today

That would be awesome.

It sounds like at the bare minimum, there will be a lot to explore, and maybe a reef surrounding the island, and going through water caverns or something like that.

I hope its something like that


I mean irl ice shipping companies used to go to the Caribbean/India were ice wouldn’t normally be so people could just have a big block of ice when it gets hot out

If ravenna gets it ice from Frostmill, where does Sameria get its own ice, that they even have freezers on Redwake

I hope we get something harvest island sized, with a lake similar sized to the harvest one in the middle, but instead it has a reef, and a lot of secrets and underwater passages to explore.

Either way a reef island sounds awesome for clan building (when it comes out).

Ice mages?

they probably just steal it.

its probably will be like a limestone key

It says "Sameria Ice"as if it somehow unique, thought, its probably vetex being lazy and not additing it to ravenna :person_shrugging:

I hope it’s less flat. Limestone would be cooler if there were larger hills or mounds.

Usually bigger wilderness island = better

I guess that ice is pretty common in the nimbus sea, since it has a lot of sky islands, and those are generally quite high up in the sky where it’s cold enough to get ice
maybe there are also certain large frost islands around the sea

Or maybe Samerian ice is a different kind of substance than regular ice

They kidnapped arish vista (whoever that little Cirrus clown is) and forced him to be a barista

reefs ARE mostly underwater, so it will be flat 100%

As much as i hate “similar islands”, but i think Sameria will have something like frostmill, or at least an ice-cold zone for cold ponds in that sea

It would be cool if it was just a reef. the only land are some rocks that reach the surface, but otherwise a fully underwater reef, with a TON of secrets. (although thats probably not going to happen)

ravenna goblin

How many wilderness do you think we’ll get this update?

I bet not too many more (if any) and unless we get a lot more, its gonna be funny seeing all the clans fighting over 2 islands to claim.

Edit: I know people wont focus on clans for the first part of the update while exploring Sameria and stuff, but eventually its gonna become a bloodfest.

I’d guess like 5-7 in total
then you actually have something to explore instead of just having 2 main islands and a single wilderness island

Samerian Ice??? Am I the only one who thinks this name is more appropriate for a drug? Pretty strange name for an ingredient.

That’s what Im hoping for.

A lot of islands to explore, would really add to the nimbus sea, especially considering if you looked during the QNA the “Shady business” story part was 3000 meters away from Sameria, with nothing in between the two islands.