Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

intensity is good for a lot of things
you can use it with wind to fling people to the next sea
you can use it with poison or ash to cover a whole island in damaging clouds and increase the duration of the poisoned status effect to like a whole minute
you can use it with glass to make people be scared to touch the ground
you can use it with sand or snow to just cover a whole island with sand or snow
you can blind someone even longer with light

Yeah its only fun for like… 5 of the magics though- Which is what makes it dare I say…


When 4/5 benefits you mention are both magic specific and only involve making the area annoying to fight in doesn’t really bode well for the usefulness of the stat

Nah I’d knockback

Bring back the knockback stat from WoM!

We might get release date today



I actually wouldn’t doubt it.

Dark sea was announced a week and a half before release, and they managed to add a lot after that point. I wouldn’t be shocked if we get Nimbus Sea release date today or tommorow.

What else do we know needs to be added?
Not sure if they added collosium type-arena (it might be the “ruins poi”)
or if they’ll add more story. I think if they add more story, it wont be much, and it will soon.

yeah today or tomorrow would make sense, he only has one more story part to add which im sure is nearly finished, and all the balance doc stuff, aswell as some minor features and whatever

I think I might’ve had a dream where Vetex raised the level cap to 150

I think you should take a break from ao

I need to take a break from the forums, I hadn’t even played the game for weeks until yesterday

Dude I had a dream where Vetex was in my game and gave me a bazillion fame for no reason (I also need to get off the forums)


Agility I like going fast :DD

and now you dont even need vetex to get a bazillion fame!!!

Well, we probably aren’t a normal human if that helps. (Order was experimenting on us for a reason and Poseidon spoke of us as if he knew us more personally.)

yh we are probably a demi god or something

Watch as we are called the Children of Zeus

apparently our canon magic is lightning so possibly

I dont want to be the child of the dark sea lightning striker…