Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

durza is dead

well yeah weve gotta get revenge on julian at some point

nah hes an energy-thing now

YES THAT SHARDY MANIAC MUST DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (sorry I dont like it when people 1-shot me and then be toxic about it)

ao literally takes place like weeks after the peacekeeper defeated durza
and durza messed up the world again by exploding himself
and he’s dead

wat do you mean i thought theos and durza clashed, they made the dark sea, and then durza left his boddddddddddddy and started makin an army

server limitations suck

he did, but now he’s dead

that was way before aa took place
you’re literally quoting things from the lore document and you’re not even reading further than the first 3 pages or something

yeah idk how this is even relating to the nimbus sea trello patch note topic ima get back on topic and do stuf

anyway, Im guessing that drakos arch is gonna look something like whispering caverns…

I think it’ll look something like that one arch island from the second sea in AA
(at least I think it was second sea, but am not entirely sure)

oh that one where you talk to theos?

how’s that a server limitation, this problem is just a thing because vetex doesn’t let us spawn at previous spawn locations

Can’t have shit in the Bronze Sea

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:pray: yippe

:joy: :sob: keep expectations realistic…

Thats a good point, i predict the udpdate will come on april 5th!

here be dragon.