Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Hmm I bet thats a blasted island (It has a K on its name)

specifically an AK

Can’t wait for the _ Sea to be released


I sure hope the map doesn’t look like the bronze sea :face_vomiting:

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sorry I just don’t like how vertical it is: like ehen you are doing the cannonfist quest but the only bounties are in wind-row island :skull_and_crossbones:

I think all the islands for this update are done if he already made the map



3 more change logs until its 1.15 (probably) (I hope) (let me dream)

more diving

damn it, i thought i could get the badge and call it a day with X Sea explorer badges.

Atleast i can get the diver variation.

I hope vetex doesn’t nerf fish builds like how he nerfed swim speed

I wonder how many people are going to try and get this completely unaware of it being unobtainable

surely no one would be stupid enough to try before the nimbus sea releases

there’ll probably be like 100 people who will try to find a way to get it
then give up after 5 hours of looking around

You doubt the stupidity of roblox players

you underestimate the stupidity of the community

I under estimate how stupid we are mb

manifesting nimbus release date announcement this week :pray:

just give it a day and there will be a post on r/arcaneodyssey asking how to get it