Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

when you get an arcanium piece while having 2 magics it just rolls a 50/50 between the 2

makes sense ig. i haven’t played too much on my two magic file


Back to the grind

Whatever magics are missing from the list seem to have unchanged stats from before (when they were originally given unique stats)

I use crystal Conj

Arcane odyssey players watching half their gear get butchered (they have to grind 10 hours again for that legendary blasted sunken dense arcanium oracle robe)


What the fuck are you on? Defence allready got gutted twice this update it didt need ANOTHER nerf. The stats that need a nerf are agility and atk speed, prob Regen too.

It’s neither, it means 100% of the bonus will be invested in AP, and Shadow for example will have 50% of its bonus in Power and 50% in Attack speed

Metal doesn’t get power? Thank god magma does. Also arcspheres got gutted bad

Metal ILeg Warlocks:


Does this not make certain magics have advantage to others when it comes to build making ?

bro i just finished my build a week ago man :c

Armour Peircing Metal Paladins:


Warriors looking at this rn :skull:

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Literally me

It’s supposed to make it easier to build into the magic’s intended playstyle I guess

I’m once again asking for vetex to add all tier 3 weapon skills for all rare and uncommon weapons

Because otherwise we’re gonna be cooked to ashes

Atleast vetex has apparently said he’s willing to add the 4th weapon slot. And triasta might be useable again with the buffs (hopefully) and sparrow thrust