Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vitality looking real scrumptious right about now
Regen scaling with vitality but not defense you say? Vitality allowing you to equip regen + defense armour you say?


mean combo from vetex here to all the luck hoarders


the top one isn’t too bad
the bottom one is just mean

Is mimhere the only person who wanted this or

and probably the people that want to overprice sunkens

It should’ve changed so ONLY Golden Rare fish give scales, the issues here were Massive Rare Fish :anger:.


I find it crazy how nerfing luck was a higher priority than addressing the ton of issues the can has in the QoL, Bugfixing and optimization domains

rip my collection and my chances of getting master angler

Probably because the luck nerf took 5 minutes total, whereas implementing QoL, bugfixes and optimizations takes longer

just use all your luck potions on the day before the update, then wait for the update and let your fish rot

Store extra scales on the Brig’s ship tank as well as abusing alts, modern problems require modern solutions

i have 14 cauldrons :sob:

everyone!! start throwing magnets into the sea and fish up all the sunkens before vetex can stop you!

Last thing I expected was a “Luck Nerf”

Tine to use all my luck potions after this :pray:

The luck party stream in darkane is gonna be insane :fire:

Still, as someone with 7 legendary fish scales, this is a win!