Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

vetex can’t stop us farming legendary scales unless he takes away our fishing rods

no it isnt, he updated it

Just spread your legendary scales between files and accounts. After update transfer them back and receive full amount that you had.




Brig tanks are our last bastion!


Just wanted to say that.

Get 10 brigs on different accounts and put 5 legendary fishes inside each one.

legendary fish rn:

Shouldve kept the brig a secret.

vetex wouldn’t go that far, right?

Damn. Now we wait until new trello’s update with: “As a result of this change, legendary fish, legendary fish scales and all types of luck potion are deleted from player inventories in this update”.

He doesn’t have the guts to wipe Sunkens obtained during the Dark Sea update, I think Brigs are fine :+1:

Arcane Odyssey:To Hell and Back.

now i am having a dillema if i should play this update or not.
But considering i am in a burnout phase and don’t know what to do with my life…i guess i’ll do it.

We good mbmb

World is saved. Society will thrive!

Hold up…maybe we are winning with this update.
Oh well, even if my builds are gonna be turned into garbage, i should still be able to beat the boss.
Correction:He deleted the increased exotic enchant scroll rate change…this is so joever.

tbh, the fishing rod scrolls are pretty useless after you’ve gotten the ones you need
it’s a good change

These updates wont fix the amount of sunkens I get per day grr

The sealed chest change will be great! But we still get rare scrolls…


we’re literally going from it’s so over to we’re so back to it’s so over to we’re so back to it’s so over with the past like 5 trello cards