Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

the ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ patchnote is gone
that and its time to move like a snail!!

Why is it out-of-combat too??? Why is PvP screwing with casual exploration? This is gonna make traversing dark sea islands so much harder.


honestly, I don’t think even the balance team wanted this, seeing as in the balance doc this only should’ve applied in combat

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make that another nail to exploration’s coffin.

No new attack speed formula, and the stat affects projectile speed even less than it did before

WHO IS LETTING VET DO THIS :sob: get him out of the kitchen NOW,.,.,

alright vetex has had enough time cooking get the balance team back in :skull: :skull:

this was EXTREMELY needed, as any pvper would tell you

two airdashes was absurd with how easily you could regain em

well i am not a pvper so i wouldnt understand

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vet is actually on crack right now, wtf is this :skull:

No ones disagreeing that it was bad for pvp, people just don’t like that its still reduced even out of combat


Vetex’s Odyssey

(There’s a lore reason for everything)

Even Metapoly’s concerned about this

maybe vetexs lack of sleep is finally affecting him

he hates doing balance changes, so a combination of doing one of his least favorite things+having sleep deprivation+general excitedness/impatience to get the update out is getting to him for sure.


my poor agility

the currently light uproar in balancecord is probably going to get worse the more shitty changes are added

yknow with the stat boost increase from leveling + the new arcanum items this might do nothing at all, or very little.

Friendly reminder that most of this is the balance discord’s fault, so blame all of the whales there for these awful balance changes

not necessarily all, the attack speed and attack size formulas would be very beneficial, it’s just one he didn’t go through.