Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

eh, i used to try to work on a game with a friend, admitly the details and textures were more higher quality (i do love AO style tho) but even then a simple model could take hours

i assume vetex haves more stuff to do than one model, island, the stuff on it, prob npcs, story, coding, etc

Also replacing the entirety of already existing models due to future Roblox guidelines (the UGC thing)
Wait hasn’t this been cancelled?

also ik that we wont get the second awakening till like the end of the story but im still courios on what the heck is warrior second awakening

Either its gonna receive a buff to its aura passive or its gonna gain an additional weapon slot

surely i will be able to hold my beloved musket again

Or it could be someone else entirely. It could be a mystery of who would be the second Bronze Sea Baron.

Reasons for Ulricus being in the order:
Both his children are in it
He is already part of a side quest chain
He knows what happened with Arwald, which has relations to Argos and the order

Reasons against him being in the order:
He doesn’t know what happened to his children
He has no idea who the MC is despite speaking to them
He isn’t hunting the MC yet, suggesting he didn’t know about them earlier

Something big I believe? I don’t know what’s behind the scenes. Some parts may be quicker, some can be slow due to the story content being big. Then again, I’m seeing the possibly of a level cap being raised by +25 at the end of a chapter

i mean, argos wasn’t hunting us either.
The biggest thing he had against us was elius’s death, and he was aware of it. He didn’t know it was us who killed him, tho.

That whole thing didnt calm down? Well good luck to vetex.

Yeah several of the points have counterpoints. Currently we can’t know for certain but neither possibility would be that surprising.

god why does it have to be a sidequest…

if it aint Ulricus im kms

very interesting, so if you only do the main quests they won’t have killed all the members? wondering if this would have any changes to the story or not

im loving all of these PATCH NOTES :innocent:


Makes sense since they are a spread out organization that’s been somehow under wraps.

you’re forgetting that we were been waiting on the bronze sea for over 2 years and vetex still wasn’t fully satisfied with releasing it early

while it’s likely he’d been working on a lot of things to be seen later (like weapons and tools, an example being the platinum shovel that used to be in the merchant deckhand’s catalog), the bronze sea itself was still a large part of it

i wouldn’t have expected nimbus sea to drop by the end of the year at all if i were vetex, but then again, the man seems to be on crack from time to time


For me it’s more likely the guy in charge of Fort Castrum. The Order probably knows that it’s us that killed Elius, Carina and Calvus, so it wouldn’t make sense that he thinks Arvald have done it.


He’s going to have a fate worse than death itself

I already killed elius, and wanted to spare more people in the future, but if its arwald we are talking about…

Same, but Arwald is Arwald