Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Would be cool if we could choose to spare or kill him

Hope our deckhands are also relevant

Maybe the quartermasters and pirate stuff plus the ship graveyard is a named pirate faction that arwald is with

I think the “quartermasters” of this crew will be minibosses then the chapter 6 boss will be the captain of the crew. Part 6 introduces them then the rest of the chapter will have us fighting however many pirate quartermasters there are.

Arwald might be one of the minibosses but I don’t see him actually being the chapter boss since he doesn’t have any unique gear.

This also means that both the bronze and nimbus seas start with fighting random pirates. Hopefully this happens for the other seas

so far my theory is that perhaps the (jaw?) pirates ambushed us out at sea or at a stop to rest at some island and we were forced to flee to the forest of masts. the forest of masts is ran by people known as the quartermasters and possibly is some pirate town/hideout

20 hours ago and I don’t know if anyone mentioned this. I doubt we’re being recaptured, but it could be us managing to survive the ambush, and we make our escape taking us to the Forest of Masts which sounds like a ship graveyard (Patreon image supports it somewhat). From there, we end up coming across the Pirate Hideout where we are then taken to their leaders or the “Quartermasters” (more likely the Pirate Hideout is a satellite base and the quartermasters here are just a stand in for their actual captain). Pirate Hideout Part 1 is probably just use figuring out what to do from there.

like I dont get why everyone assumed the Quartermasters were referring to our quartermasters or a new one we would get, when we are literally going to a ship graveyard and it would make sense for the people running the pirate operations there to be called the Quartermasters (but it would be sick to see our quartermasters in the story or a new one)

At most, it’d probably just be like the prison escape where they’re added in with a bit of dialogue if you have them

Our quartermaster helping us fight would be lit :eyes:

Me too. I figured they were a pair at least of enemies who would either capture you after becoming fatigued from the ambush (Which is unlikely considering we’ve only had one and only canon loss to a curse user, so unless this was a keraxean ambush with one of wotan’s sons, no, and one of wotan’s sons being there is further unlikely), or we’d stumble across them in their base by being driven there.

it would be cool if double boss battle :>

The chapter with the least levels is 3 which goes from 75-81 but it also includes the 61-75 level gap.

I’d say this one would be more than 135 since it seems we’re going to be fighting a very large pirate crew or something.

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Yeah, hopefully up to 140 at least and at most 150 or so.

Vetex is definitely cooking up something big if it’s taken a day between releases, though. Maybe a boss on the pirate hideout or a difficult cutscene.
Or, he’s just playing Minecraft in the other server. Bud needs a break ngl.

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at last
poll in discord




im all in for yes, there is very little reason to keep semi-spoiling the story like this, and it keeps nimbus sea a mystery, something new and fun to explore, not like most anime copycat games with the copypasted story

Bruh yall been preventing yourself from sneaks?

i wonder when are we gonna get more on the road map

Probably as stuff gets closer to being finished tbh

Vetex trying to update the trello challenge (impossible)

took him 3 days to add a single part and a level raise, what is bro cooking ?