Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I don’t think having rising tide is worth 0.05x lower size

also it does more damage and the moves are just better.

womp womp dont use ss then nobody is forcing you to

that skill is practically just whirlwind but it makes you go up, the only other benifit it gives it the soaked status effect which is useful for 3 out of the 20? magics.

That’s good then because sunken sword didn’t need a nerf it was fine.

hey, I actually agree with this change

giving rare jewels a use is nice

i thought it’s 4 am i cooked
also yeah i literally run ravenna sword on lightning conj idk what im saying rn :sob:

tbh, whirlwind is more useful for damage than rising tide, since you’re able to move around and it has a way lower cooldown

It got nerfed accidentally, Vetex just put the wrong number

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its 3

don’t you dare downplay how good rising tide is

ehhh its kinda ass for pure warrior id rather take vindicators teleport for movement.

(4 if you count the 1.5x damage shower effect that it has on pvp sweats)


No…. What is he doing? Didn’t the community vote against this change?

the poll literally got like 500 downvotes
I don’t think the community really likes this change

Yep lol

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guess they didn’t take it off the doc

the move is extremely good for combos and free damage, however you pretty much need dense or high size to use it, and you shouldn’t downplay how good whirlwind either.

funny to see “poll” after the server’s general and questions channels were locked

Whirlwind is kinda bad rn since the efx does not match the hitbox size :confused: