Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

get past Martin for a chance of obtaining it

Predicted Eggs
  • Brought To Insanegg By Tobi
  • Instead of King Calvegg we have Empress Nihegg
  • Drakegg Arch
  • Under The Wartegg 2
  • Lmao vet stole your Leggendary scales
  • The Sun Templegg
  • Fort Talegg
  • Blasted Egg (Time for those treasure charts)
  • Blasted Rock Egg (Time for those sandstorms)
  • Scorching Dunegg
  • Agoregg
  • Sameregg, the Fortress
  • Sameregg, the Lake
  • Vetegg Games
  • Lawn Regg, A Concegging Plot
  • Atlantegg
  • “Sorry, I’m not quitegg reggy for customegg’s yeggt”
  • Shalegg Regg
  • PvEgg Head
  • PvPegg Head

I swear i managed to read something else

I’m not going to question how, or why.

eggs aren’t ever worth anything but ye

ok, now how do you get ANY of them?

Wasn’t that obvious from the names

Happy there will be an egg hunt! Or an event!

I hope the cosmetic we get for completing the egg hunt is good

Im imagining over the years we will get sn easter set

Took him long enough

Fun fact guys :bangbang::bangbang:

Cutlass (COMMON WEAPON TYPE) has DMG 1 SPD 1.1 SIZ 0.9

Sunken Sword (RARE WEAPON TYPE) has DMG 1 SPD 1.1 SIZ 0.85

Wait a minute…


its because the balancing team has a hard on about rare weapons not being better than regular weapons. They want them to be “a different option” rather than a direct upgrade.


how is it a different option if the stats are literally worse?

unique skills you fucking ape


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Nah, this time it was Vetex’s “fault” because the document says Casting Speed 1.25 and Projectile Speed 1.1

Not his fault that it’s so overcrowded though

it’s watered