Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

any self / placed aoe type attack

it sends you way too high


it’s only huge when you get size enchants on it, without them it can be tiny, but this doesent really matter because of how common dense is. I still don’t feel like the nerf fully justifies rising tide, but I understand your point.

surge got fucked bad (im very sad because this was really useful for npc fighting, now the wallbang is shit)

bro about to grab someone from the other side of ravenna

i remember fighting a friend of mine in ravenna and some random dashed to us and by instinct grabed him

that really only applies to one weapon so i doubt that one weapon will boost it to above sand conjurer which has been consistently one of the best conjurers since release
ice wind mage still better than sand mage though

what’s odd is that you hardly see any of them, conjurers seem more random other than shadow which there are many of.

its probably because sand doesnt look that appealing
nobody unless they’re extremely based sees sand on the menu and says “wow that looks really cool and sounds fun let me use it”

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Sand conj is good yes but it’s not really unique, it’s like vanilla flavored conjurer. It’s basic

1: I am hella excited for next week, New sea (Finally will be able to have shot as a warlord, i have 150w 100s rn) some i hope amazing story, N E W V A N I T Y,

2: Gosh damn the nerfs!

I’m fine with the nerfs honestly.

Yes, I dont like that I can lose a build that was made to have 200 agility, and other stats, but it’s also nice that people wont be having crazy stats at this level.

I’m glad that while im loading in I stand a chance without having to swim away on a swim speed build because some metamage came and got me to 200 hp before I could move my character.

I also like how new Armor will be viable, not having to run sunken or Calvus all the time. It seems like experimentation builds wont be just because its funny, it might now have some uses!

New Vanity will be AWESOME. I already made some characters based off what I think a Samerian will look like.

(and no, “get better” isn’t real critisim)

The lord gives and the lord takes

get better

I had a feeling someone would say that lol

watching ice get turbo buffed and kissing my ice conjurer slot goodbye when it gets nerfed into the ground the patch after

convincing everyone your build needs massive buffs
the playerbase getting ultra salty about the build once it gets turbobuffed
balance team overcompensates and nerfs the build to worse than it was before

oohhh that combo was COLD

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.100 and .101 were mostly changes regarding weapons and magic, so it makes sense .102 is mostly changes involving strength

They are doing my bro boxing dirty…
And they are still kicking a dead corpse aka Thermo Fist.
At this rate it’s gonna become garbage.

What on earth did thermo fist do to you guys?