Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

no for the game release :skull:

oh yeah the music was there too…

I better be getting either this or all obtainable tier 3 weapon skills or else……

Some more bug fixes, no clue if anyone cares about these

Me me me I do!


Killed my entire family

Nobody abuses Sailord that doesn’t also abuse Lance, linked issue.

Do you think this change will be mirrored to World of Magic?

if the code can be copy and pasted into the game without any problems its likely

I consider The Call of Adventure and A Concerning Plot equally the theme of AO, without Lawn Reality, Tobi wouldn’t have had the AO motif which we hear in both.

Nor would we have had AA’s iconic title theme

we need a revolution

im considering making a suggestion wehre the title theme/screen change on story progress tbh


it might be cool if you could change the title screen by typing a secret code or clicking somewhere a certain amount of times
it’d be a pretty neat easteregg

or vet can pull a WoM, and have both the themes, imo they’re both really good




Not sure how many people know that, but WoM and AO have connected stories…At least the ending.

I hope that the ending comes with huge changes to the environment
that would be a lot easier to do in a game which is split into several different places, since you’d just have to change one of them and prevent the player from going to a different place, compared to the whole continent, where you’d have to change everything

Finally, people won’t die in an underwater battles like they did before. Its almost always ends for me with killing my opponent and then drowning.