Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Certainly will be interesting when we show up to Sameria.

or any other kingdom capital, for the matter. I wonder what curse power skyhall is going to have?

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Ravenna’s curse power is probably one of the weakest I’m gonna assume. They lost Apocalypse and Death. Their only known curses are Cloud and Glass, one of which is literally called weak and the other is just a base magic equivalent, not even lost or ancient.

0, They refuse to use any since they’re considered sea curses

has this been pointed out yet?


Yeah we’ve known about that for awhile

wait the ‘current ruler’ thing could show maya in the future for that world peace thing, just a thought

maybe it could be ‘???’ if you didn’t do the quest and ‘maya’ if you did

i wonder who ravennas current “unknown” ruler could be considering all the royal family are missing or dead

I would assume it’s either a high-ranking member of the military or some noble somewhat related to the royal family.

it could possibly be Neviro, but that feels kind of iffy, tbh

neviro will probably be it in the future, but it’s too soon for that to happen yet

i doubt its neviro since he went back to make sure the next king wouldnt be someone like calvus, i dont think he has any intentions nor the actual ability to become the new ruler

but yeah it could be someone we havent met yet, or maybe it could be someone like julian

Assuming Julian doesn’t take the throne, he’d probably just ignore whoever the new ruler is

Do you guys think that Caustic Fabric bug will be fixed? Lol

It shouldn’t be fixed, it is secretly the lead line to Mimhere Island
We need people to follow it.

it litteraly leads to slightly north from the Bronze Sea center.

You mean the random caustic fabric on limestone key?


why buy every gamepass except inventory loadout swap thing :sob:
thats the ONLY gamepass i bought
(yes im ignoring durable notes they were everywhere in the beginning of AO now i never see them)

inventory loadout is my favourite gamepass
it’s so nice to not have to search your entire inventory for the right items

I wish it was a thing in uncapped WoM

Since the Nimbus Sea is close to be released.
I’d like a quick recap as in what changes happened in balancing and such.
(Constantly looking at reminders 4 made me forget some stuff)