Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

New Nimbus Image.


What are the odds the 6 slot gamepass transition to the new system bugs and deletes all my slots?

1% chance
it’s probably been tested
but there’s always a chance it wasn’t not enough

It’s time now, I’m sure. I made a thread for spoilers to the story so if you guys want to share your experiences there, feel free to.

I have to restart my pc to fix my shaders bruh

go go power rangers

ima say the shadow arc stats holdon


man everyone scared of their build getting gutted lol. Mine got better

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i havent unequiped anything, but my sunken staff is gone

so that’s why I lose my Kai sabre that I got very recently…

feels good

My friend said his kai sabres are gone, was there a sabre wipe or something I don’t remember

Guys drawback is so useable now. I had two drawback and my hp was barely moving.

vetex scammed me out of 200 robux :<
you probably shouldn’t buy an extra file rn

It’ll appear in your robux transaction history so you can contact a mod to get it fixed

it has fixed itself after joining the main game on a different file

yo what the fuck

Help my weapons have disappeared

I lost my ss, lance, vindicators and silent blades and all that stuff

I haven’t been equipping them
They just vanished