Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

mine vanished but I had my sunken already equipped thank god

Can we contact mods about this

though I lost two staffs, thunderspear, elius swords, ptd, and sanguine

they probably already know

I basically lost all rare and uncommon weapons bruh and Iā€™m on my warrior file
Hope they fix this quickly

This is incredibly unfortunate. Iā€™m a Mage so this doesnā€™t really affect me, but itā€™s quite strange that this bug made it past Vetexā€™s careful eyes.

Right now, Iā€™m waiting for boats to be fixed because mine is broken and I canā€™t sail. A bit of a disastrous launchā€¦

Probably should have played after a few more hours just in case something like this happened

My dense vindicator gonešŸ˜¢ along with sunken sword

I am only going to start playing next week once everything is fixed


Brigs are broken! Millions must row!

I think I just lost like 4 sunken items I hope to god they can rollback

update ratings everyone?

i might have lost my sunkens, so 0/10

Looks like the game just updated-I was just kicked out. Hopefully, this is a patch to the weapons catastrophe.

nooo i waa fighting and it shut down

ima wait a day until everything stabilizes

weapons arenā€™t back, but they might be equippable now

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I am NOT removing my sunken though

hope this is a valualbe lesson to not immediatly play an update lol


I hope that I get my sunkens back if I did indeed lose them, I lost a si chestplate, a sw helm, and 2 sw boots