Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

intensity makes sense on wind, since it increases knockback

You can get funny 1e9 hp aura/focus at least

yeah but intensity is gonna get reworked into cooldown reduction soon

better give wind size for that extra knockback

vetex is evading the intensity rework like it’s his taxes


Probably because day 1 of it being implemented someone will make a mage build with pulsar at the same cooldown as blast
Not sure how you balance cooldown reduction without giving it extreme diminishing returns or a cap for cooldown reduction, which makes it more gimmicky than a worthwhile stat

Same goes for -30 str req.
It was on doc since before Dark Sea :sob:

Well that one is never happening (vetex vetoed it apparently)

that would still be pretty good
it lets you attack more often and hit your opponents more reliably


that actually kinda makes sense

I wonder why wood has power and defense tho… :thinking: glad it happened :grin:


this gun with my build deals 249 dmg with 12 bleed dmg, so 1K dmg, that the m1, so if someone stays stills for any reaason, just shot them for free 1K dmg, this gun is busted

the balance team on their way to absolutely gut the new guns after this post was made

as soon as someone says something positive about something they immediately nerf it into the ground

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now to be fair, they do need to stay still

im ok to unequip this right? my hours of grinding is safe right?

It isn’t highlighted in the inventory so I’d be wary. See if someone else knows more than me though.



is regeneration not working rn?