Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


thank god, praise be Lord Vetex

thankfully, no (probably)

there’s 5 dark sea eggs, luckily one of them is just free

yeah i got yeeted into dark sea and luckily found an ancient lightning egg lol ( several of them, actually… )

i really hate insanity 1 and i can’t even find a ghost ship

fuck fruit based eggs :pray:

That Sky Apple egg is NOT spawning

wonder how rare the sunken egg is

surely, its not 1/2000 right?

I believe it’s 1/50 in fishing

Might have to switch servers if they dont. I actually rejoined on an alt (theyre on the Cirrus storyline) and basically found one. But when my alt was on another server earlier, no apples or eggs spawned at all. Only coppershrooms, the sky mushrooms, vanilla herb, anything BUT apples lmao

here’s me struggling to find the silver egg. do the charts have to be in nimbus? what are the odds?

I’ve done like 20 chart spots.

Your luck is just awful.

I went through so many charts trying to find it that I started to think I hallucinated the entire event.

Every egg is chill except the sunken egg… eggs should not be tied to fishing

atleast it doesnt take atleast 30 minutes to spawn

i’ve killed like 7 atlanteans… but not a single egg :disappointed_relieved:

does the atlanthean egg comfirmed that atlanthean lays egg ?

aaand i died to an atlantean ketch’s crew

y’know what? i’m not gonna do the dark sea ones first

i found both the stratosphere and strawberry eggs at the top of the stepstones