Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

You don’t need to kill Atlanteans to get the egg, it just spawns under them and you can grab it with invisibility potions.

but what if im not a coward?

what if i want to kill me?

what if i want them to try?

idk if this was reported yet, but for some reason whenever i join bronze sea servers i spawn in the dark sea,
sometimes its a few seconds in, sometimes its at the edge of range 1
other times its the 6th range and i die instantly

the Abyss Sea is real!

also idk if this is a visual glitch or something but when i opened my inventory flare egg made my glasses look cool and shiny

reflection from the egg probably?

6 done… 14 to go (including the sunken and dark sea ones :sob:)

anyone have the problem of diving points nto spawning

like, the last two i visted just have some chests floating faround

maybe it’s a server problem… i’m in some singapore server called silver captain and it’s working just fine for me…

yeah just check some normal diving point and they dont spawn either, guess its just a server problem

there has been an issue where structures and chests that went for too much time unloaded don’t load at all when you get near them

3 years still no sky apple egg…

i saw 2 the moment i reached the top

what server are you in?

…silver captain

wait are your ingame name junior too ??

we’re in the same server?? also yeah… it’s junior126126… what’s yours?

walongamer lol

we are in the same server… the diving points and structures are working for me though…

apparently selling to enizor also gives the galleon egg

day 1 progress

might be able to get the dark sea eggs tonight

haha wouldnt it be funny if vetex actually made an epicenter egg and didnt tell us