Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

same thing happened to me. boom, i was in the far reaches. boom, lightning egg.

i’m finally done!!!

The silver egg is worse, I spent like four hours trying to get it yesterday and ended up being fruitless

I got in on my 4th chart… i was probably just lucky though…

And I’m probably omega unlucky

If you spent four hours searching for it…

Ya… some eggs are… not eggy

Not very eggcellent

Idk how much time I spent looking for silver egg but I got it finishing a legendary chart

I got like 4 ravenna charts which lead to the exact same part
so it was pretty easy to get it for me

Suffering with the cargo and sky apples egg

The entire egghunt is painfully boring, vetex didnt even bother to add any new content, the entire egghunt feels like a chore
“go do this thing you can do literally any other time of the year!!”
“go do this luck based task1!!!”

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how the fuck else do you wanna go about an egg hunt bro :sob:
for all i care vetex could make a rabbit npc shit out eggs once every 24 hours and i’d still play ao

vetex at the very minimum could have made the easter event have a unique quest or something, not just this generic shit
all recent ao updates feel half assed and it feels like vetex actually doesnt give a shit anymore

yet from last years egg hunt you KNOW what to expect regardless :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
your problem is having expectations above the fucking roof

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guys new non cannon sea no way we getting the eggy seas we going to has the rabid island, the eg island the cohlat island the no wayyy!

you’re outright dickriding vetex, how is expecting an event that isnt 5 hours of normal content “expectations above the fucking roof”
brother 90% of the shitty events from roblox’s own ass easter hunt were better than this low quality repeat of last years but… included dark sea and nimbus1!!!

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bomboclat easter island…

buddy this isn’t GPO, vetex is not going to spend 4 months making an update that will get deleted in 4 weeks

im not asking for a whole ass new game, im very simply asking that there is a replacement to the basic and unfun system that is “collect 20 eggs by doing regular tasks!!!”

a very simple replacement could be something like a yearly re-occuring island (something god damn fucking club penguin has been doing since what 2007?) that would give you a unique task like getting cooking ingredients to make something or fight a specific npc