Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Last years egg hunt in my small opinion was… I dunno, i had way more fun with it… This one is still good, i like the egg designs a lot more! Might actually use some…

it’s an egghunt, it’s about looking for eggs
it’s not about finding some random npc and do a quest and then you get an egg, that’d just be completing quests for rewards
besides, for something which took a bit less than a week to make, it’s perfectly fine imo. Maybe a bit grindy with the rng dark sea eggs, but it feels nice solving the little riddles and finding the eggs

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an egghunt is fine but still alot of these eggs were boring, the only ones i felt were actively fun were the dark sea eggs, even if they were a headache to gain

yea after reading that theres gonna be back to back updates, i definitely understand why the easter event was this short, and its reasonable though would be cool if we got a longer event some other time

ofc it’s not going to be the most exciting thing to collect eggs which aren’t guarded by random powerful enemies
I liked it because it forced me to visit areas which I don’t usually visit, and while I’m there I discover a few new things about that area
you’re probably only playing the game for the fighting and action, which is fine, but there’s also other things that the game offers.

you bet i fucking am

you’re entitled to your own opinion and i’m not going to entirely disregard it, i just don’t see my own beliefs aligning with yours whatsoever

if you’re so upset with the content vetex is delivering, don’t play ao, he said something along those lines in a previous message of his

you’re an entitled motherfucker on the arcane odyssey forums complaining about the state of arcane odyssey yet i know for a damn fucking fact you’re gonna be on this site tomorrow talking anout this game, and the day after, and the day after

wish i could say a bit more but i can’t be asked to type shit out on my phone :sob:





actually it’s 1/3 per chart

I don’ even care about the eggs dude I’m randomly getting them, maybe they’ll be worth 2k galleons in 2 years’ time

at least trade them for some good gear, 2k galleons is nothing

I forget trade values are stupid and an egg can end up more valuable than sunken armour
Dichotomy of a collector and a player, supply and demand, all that

Lies, deception, mockery, misinformation, deceit, deception.

This is false, I can’t just spend 4 hours to not get a 1/3 chance.

it’s been confirmed

why is that when anyone defends vetex the only excuse / point they make is “then dont play the game”.

my brother in christ if your only excuse for something not being of expected quality if “dont play it” i really wonder what your reaction was when everyone got their shit wiped

I dont hate AO, it’s a game im very passionate about, but when theres an audience of fans who will only ever take criticism and go “THEN DONT PLAY!1!!!” then this game is gonna be condemned to shit, the only way this game is ever going to get better is through the challenging of ideas

also completely proceeds to disregard my previous message where i admit my wrongs because i failed to learn that it was an intermediate update between what we’re getting monthly, in all honestly you’re a clown if you can not be bothered to read neither constantly challenge what is objectively things we do not want to accept from vetex


any opinion i disagree with : “you’re an entitled motherfucker!1!!”
yeah dude, this gotta be some single celled organism type processing done by your brain

what does this sentence even mean?

means that you cant act like an ape and if you want a good game, you need to challenge things you do not like to make positive change

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yeah, but complaining about things without proposing a change won’t do anything

it doesn’t take a genius to find out that someone who’s supporting someone else is going to reiterate their point in one form or another

no reaction i only lost one sunken sword and kept everything else

then start showing it instead of acting like a spiteful little bitchboy

your “criticism” isn’t structured as such, especially upon my first read of your post, try to act more constructive and not have the potency to destroy a developer’s morale by acting like an ass

completely disregards that i pointed out that i’m reading this on my phone (implying i don’t use the forums on my phone often) when asking yourself why something might’ve been accidentally ignored

ok? LMAO

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i did propose a change, however earlier i admitted i was wrong because i didn’t try inform myself on the fact the event was made as an intermediate entertaining thing whilst vetex works on the things vital to the game

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yea this is something else, i do wish you a good day and you probably are a really cool person, shame we cannot see eye to eye since all you can do is mindlessly argue in favour anything you agree with, but indeed good day to you :fire:

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