Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

the real one piece was the arguments we had on the way :fire:

the rb1piece


Gone. Reduced to atomsā€¦.

Move along folks, nothing to see here

did bro getā€¦ banned? :sob:

No, heā€™s still here

Iā€™ll admit to owning the alt I wanted to piss people of lmao

wouldā€™ve been funnier if you doubled down but now its just kinda boring

cant believe that guy is tryna copy my flow


Hereā€™s what it looked like btw (for those who havenā€™t seen it)

Imagine going all the way to the epicenter for a different shade of white

Guys i got undeniable proof that warriors will get a W

making the purple more white just sounds like its gonna be worse off having it equipped :skull:

Closer to white

Broā€™s last words

Honestly though at this point itā€™s just comical how much Vetex seemingly has it out for Epicenter Explorers.

I couldnā€™t care less about the icon, itā€™s just a reused Insanity symbol. But the color, man, why would you change that :sob: I love my purple :sob::sob::sob:

And why does True Captain still change the color of your username in the server list, but other much rarer titles like Bronze Sea Explorer and Nimbus Sea Diver donā€™t? Why is Epicenter Explorer being made less cool while the literal easiest title to get in the whole game keeps its special perk?

For reference, the Bronze Sea Explorer badge has been in the game since release, and yet only 8k players have it. But True Captain was added a whole 4 months later and is owned by 22.5k players. Really puts into perspective how easy it is to get.


only thing i can think of for the color change is that the current epicenter color looks to similar to the emperor of the sea title? It sucks that it keeps getting changed though. Hoping after the color change and icon removal the title no longer gets anymore random changes to make it less fun to get.

Fraud Explorer and Fraud Captain