Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

omg guys they found out i’m an advocate for an opposing viewpoint :cold_sweat:
good day to you sir i hope to argue with you again sometime :smirk_cat:

true… until we argue once more… :rage: :100:

I don’t care about the argument why’d you add fire for yourself :facepunch:

because everything i say is straight fire :nerd_face: :speaking_head: :fire:

I’m taking a stand :ocean:

false, may your game always freeze right before catching a golden fish, and may your socks always be slightly too itchy

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Would a legendary chart be 5 1/3 chances or 1/3 chance total, I spent like 20 charts doing “sameria, halfway NNE, high cliff” running around the mountain and not getting the egg :skull:

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This channel’s arguments are becoming worse than reminders for AO’s arguments somehow istg

you’re one of the reasons vetex was depressed for 2 months


im sure he used a time machine to go to today and went into a deep sorrow after he learnt SkittleSnakes1 made a comment expressing his dislike of the way the easter event was formatted :skull_and_crossbones:

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… Back to egg hunt.
I got my chart egg in 1 chart, which is ig payback for the last event, where it took me like 3 hours and made me take it to day 2. If i had to guess, you would need to fully finish a chart for a chance to get it.
Also dark sea eggs straight up vile imo

I randomly got it while doing a common chart in Frostmill, it’s just chance

says the one pressed by an update that was only developed on for a week

bro thinks hes @64arc

Hello rb1!

Denying to know who rb1 is, clearly must be rb1

Yeah, rb1 sure does love trolling the forums.
Welcome back Rb1!

"woah 50+ new posts i wonder what they’re talking about-:


at least this isnt in the reminder lol