Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

ig that makes sense, since that would make the effects pretty cluttered

Vetex confirmed triple imbue in qna

Imbue stacking surely won’t lead to more balancing issues

Screenshot 2024-03-31 130304
yay no more hat-stuck-in-ground

Can’t wait to rquip two different imbuements that buff my attacks in every way possible ( attack size, attack speed, synergy, attack power :fire: )

Arcanium strength weapons?
Or possibly acanium strength spirit weapons?

finally, every roll in the samerian desert on my main ended up getting stuck in the sand

lightning + sailor on lance of loyalty would be pretty great

Savants when they imbue magic, fs and spirit energy on their weapon (they just one shot a player)

the only way i see this working is if this is a second awakening thing, or if it’s locked behind a certain amount of investment

First gives both

me who got ganked on the 2nd day by a shadow mage with absurd size and armor piercing on sameria :broken_heart:



actualy true, as somoene who spends their free time answering questions in vetcord, its was such an annoying question

Finally a poll that isn’t stupid :pray:

so-called free thinkers when a poll has a spirit weapons option:

In all seriousness, what do spirit weapons do and why are they important? Aren’t vitality builds already viable enough (in the community’s average opinion, just my observation) because of their extra health? Won’t adding a completely new damage method type completely screw up balance even further?
At best, they will be OP for a few days, vitality will be meta, and then it gets nerfed.
At worst, it will be weak and generally unused once the novelty runs off.

Is there a reason for spirit weapons other than ‘cool and i want Warden’

if any of the moderators want me to move this to the discussion thread please tell me and I will be happy to oblige, but now in actual response to this:

spirit weapons, well of course theyre the main method of attack for vitality builds, it would be like if we only had 4 magic spells, or 1 weapon skill, not having them is limiting vitality builds like being a warlock with only magic or something.

personally they aren’t on par(for the most part COUGH COUGH Knight COUGH COUGH), but the extra health is an added bonus, plus the entire idea of spirit weapons is that they use health to cast, almost function as an additional energy bar.

Of course its all going to boil down to personal opinion, but spirit weapons being added now(at least thats what I think from the poll), is the most fair option, people have their personal favorite class, and im sure many people are still upset over the requirement change for the existing abilties, but the point is that every build at least will exist at this point in the games development, and we’d be that much closer to a “finished game”
And don’t tell me that the novelty aspect of it isnt cool, im sure a ton of people were excited to play with the revamped weapons and fstyles in ao when they were first mentioned to be a whole viable route, this is no different in my opinion.

Putting points in Vitality also reduces your damage output slightly so OwO
I think the hybrid builds are designed to be used alongside Spirit Weapons, thus the damage reduction on your other abilities but not Spirit Energy. In other words, even Hybrids are nerfed without them. Its literally the main skillset of an entire stat build, so without that, the game wont really be complete.

In other words, people are choosing it because its literally an entire stat build’s skillset thats been missing from the beginning and should probably be prioritised more than just adding extra skills and weapons, which Weapon Users already have.