Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Also, Spirit Weapons and Spirit Energy has the coolest lore rn, so of course Im voting for that :joy:

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tldr: vitality hybrids are literally missing half their skillset


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Godā€¦ imagine if Biologlol was still here, theyd go nuts


where this?


It seems my evil twin would be very happy to see this in action :]

Wonder how weā€™ll get spirit weapons, since from game perspective it seems that itā€™ll just be scattered around the place

Plus there also the question of how many one can equip

I assume not a lot at the start in a monthly update schedule, since this is just starting the development for Spirit Weapons

And if you look closely at the beginning of the story too, youā€™re basically given all the stuff for the other three stat builds (Magic, Basic Combat, a Dagger) from the start. Since Spirit Weapons are the main skillset of Vitality, then weā€™re meant to get one at the start of story too. Maybe Morden found it, or it belonged to the MC prior and was returned?

This might mean MC in the story has a Spirit Weapon from the very beginning. Just that they didnt know what its true purpose was, or they forgot. (As they asked about Spirit Weapons in Sameria)

Thereā€™s that too
I think itā€™s likely that we may find one from chests very early in the game and have a pop up explain it to us

Wouldnā€™t be surprised if the mc has an ā€œold ringā€ or something of the sort on them at the start of the game

Considering how we were given those three things above from the very start, I think weā€™ll be given a Spirit weapon from the very start instead of just finding one eventually. Weā€™re also meant to fight in the quest right after, and I think that fight is supposed to introduce you to the combat. It wouldnt make sense if we were missing a specific weapon because we were meant to open chests and new players missed it

Ooh, now I wanna speculate what our first Spirit Weapon would be. Ring? Book? I doubt Bracelet cause someone has that alreadyā€¦

The MC will receive the greatest spirit weapon ever forgedā€¦ THE SPIRIT SHOVEL!!!

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Dont underestimate shovels. They can hit very hard with a BONK.

That would be funny tho. A God blessing a Weapon with their energy and its a damn Shovel. Maybe Dionysus.

gonna be disappointed if its a staff or any large object ngl

Player got a god given gift right out the bag then lol

Other than that, how spirit weapon will work is still bugging me, will they be available in many types like weapons? If so do they give some special ability for each different type?

Hopefully itā€™s fun to play with, thatā€™s all I want from it, plus imbuing spirit energy into weapons sounds fun

Iā€™d really like for it to be a ring just cause I really like magic rings in fiction, like lord of the rings or the lanterns from DC. Rings just kinda look cool too.

A glove would be dope too, or maybe something more unexpected like a boot.

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Seeing as spirit weapons are meant to mirror actual weapons like how martial arts mirror magic, I assume thatā€™d be the case