Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Triple imbumentis crazy

Strength, arcanium, vitality(as in like a hybrid weapon for knights, not a regular spirit weapon) weapons

will conjurers be able to double imbue?

One can hope

If spirit weapons use creation and magic uses chaos does that make paladin canonically the strongest class


I mean, that’s basically just an extremely watered down god

When I was trying to plan my AO MC’s build (lorewise), I realised I ended up putting more emphasis on their abilities with Spirit and Magic rather than their other skills that shouldve made them a Savant (since AO MC is supposed to be a Savant).

Magic and Spirit Energy combined does sound cracked knowing that theyre basically two opposites. Using both at the same time seems 2x more harmful towards opponents as you’re attacking BOTH of their energies. And you might be the only person who can do that.

Speaking of OC lore…
If fire was gift of magic, then Ambrosia and Nectar should be gift of spirit energy.

Surely…Noone could have stolen that…surely…

People really be taking all of the shit from Olympus

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My question: do you think Spirit Weapons will be at all in the next update? I think if we get any it would be a single one, and we wouldn’t get spirit weapon imbues until second awakening. In an ideal world I’d want vitality builds to lose second magic/fstyle as their first awakening to get imbues instead but that’s just me

no, you choose one

double imbue isn’t “two magic forms in one weapon!” it’s “magic and fighting styles in one weapon!”

It probably won’t be until clan building at the very least (educated guess), it’s a big feature

At most I only expect about a handful of spirit weapons by next update since most of that time would probably be spent coding the imbue

I would only expect like three of them. The Imbuement and visuals on magics, fighting styles, and regular weapons would take up most of vetex’s time, besides coding and making the alignment systems and enemy base spawning.

Then what’s the point of choosing conj when you got savant?

Conj has better skills late game I guess

Vetex, please save vitality route
You’re the one who made us
I don’t even see vitality users anymore
Vetex, please save vitality route
You’re the one who made us
I am #####ing just thinking about it all
Please come with spirit weapons and save us from being useless

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40-60% weapons/magic compared to 25-40%

Wouldn’t mortals burn to a crisp after eating the ambrosia & nectar or did I read too much Percy Jackson rather than actual greek mythos

mortals become immortals if they eat or drink it
so yes, you did read too much of that