Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

False alarm, sorry everybody.

This would have been a lot easier if the explanation was that spirit wpns are rare because to work they use life force as fuel and so the only way to use them is to commit ENORMOUS WAR CRIMES, like, Idk, sacrifice the entire population of Ravenna to feed their soul to your wpn.
Seem legit and reasonable to me.

sacrifice the entirety of of the gravy to the butter knife because they rammed my sailboat once for no reason

Not how it works. Descendants of gods can use spirit energy without any Spirit Weapons. If you’re purely human, then you can still control spirit energy, but you need a Spirit Weapon to do it. So Poseidon would in fact have been able to create Spirit Weapons for Arthur’s army.

he must’ve just forgor how to do it then
or arthur has trauma regarding spirit weapons and asked poseidon to not make more

Will the spirit weapons include imbuing vitality onto stuff (like after awakening)? Or will that be reserved for second awakening?

I’d think so
it would make the most sense

Thats exactly why we will have spirit imbues (please zues, allow us savants to have tripple imbue) and spirit dodges.


Descendants of gods can use spirit energy without any Spirit Weapons. If you’re purely human, then you can still control spirit energy, but you need a Spirit Weapon to do it.

So does this screw with the theory of the MC being descended from a God, or would controlling Spirit Energy without equipping a Spirit Weapon potentially be a part of the Warden awakenings?

Yeah vetex confirmed this in some forum thread I cant be bothered to find

imo it will just be the Vitality M1

pls let us imbue two magic/fs, one magic/fs and vitality on our weapons it would be so lit

I think Vetex said in tge QnA that you’ll be able to imbue spirit energy on magic

i meant to submerge weapons in to make sunkens :sob:

u know how judging on the story, you are special?
and that humans couldn’t controll spirit energy?
and how you are savant in lore, wich means prob some in vitality?
and that you might be demigod?
just think about it…
you could be the spirit weapon >:D
just a theory tho

Bro is onto nothing!!! :fire::fire::fire:

Maybe we can find the ruins of mt olympus, and we can dive down to find one lying around deep within

idk I REALLY like the concept of having to find spirit weapons lying around in static locations (client sided of course)


Spirit + Magic
Magic + Spirit
Fs + Spirit
Spirit + Fs
Spirit + Weapons

But zeus, please allow savats to have following:
Magic imbue + Fs imbue + Spirit imbue ONTO Strength Arcanium weapons

as a savant, please no
give us double imbue like you promise and we will be happy