Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i remember that i killed someone with dual guns, they werent even upgraded, they were the lowest level possible

Its the guard captain Drake from alalea all over again

my current headcanon is that her mother ( who for some reason has yet to be mentioned in anyway by her btw ) left behind an instruction for her to learn it that is somehow easy enough that even a beginner could understand ( Iris said herself that shes still yet to have full control over her power, meaning shes probably only have it relatively recently ( maybe less than a year, maybe 2 )

or just this

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I hope no pirates will pop out of the ground at that hideout after each my devastate like alalea guards did from alalea houses

Isn’t it a little strange that every house in Alalea was either completely empty or occupied by about 5 guards. Did they live together or were the ones that owned the empty houses visiting some of the others.

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for some strange reason I feel as if this boss is going to have 4 guns and duel whatever the weapon is

Maybe dual daggers return?

Dual colossal cutlasses :frcryin:

And what for four guns, this makes sense. Irl pirates were carrying a lot of flintlocks with them in fights to quickly shoot all of them without the need to always go on reload


Remember colossal cutlass in aa was draining ur stamina hella fast? Dual ones are gonna take it all in a couple of hits, so the rest of the fight they are gonna drain your hp instead. Dual Colossal Cutlasses = spirit weapon? Nah, they prob just require warlord 2 awakening to be used

I mean in AA there was only 1 person who actually used dual colossal cutlasses, most people were presumably too weak.

I personally think that she mutated, which is unheard of in the War Seas. She states that she doesn’t have the control she wishes she has over her flare magic, plus she may very well have mutated through the rage she felt when her father was captured.


Hmm, I got the impression that she got her Flare Magic even before that, since people already know of her magic. Idk though

idk, but i still think mutation would be pretty likely

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Mutations had to be deliberately trained for though iirc, so how would she still be lvl 20?

she’s an anomaly

thats just her title and it that wouldn’t make much sense still considering how mutations were gonna work in AA (which we would’ve gotten at about 4th sea so almost halfway through the game btw)

I still just think it makes more sense that she ended up having it at birth by a small chance, it would go in line with what curses have and it would also be a simple enough explanation

magics that were mutations in the seven seas had to become base magics somehow and the most reasonable explanation imo is that magics like, say metal, used to be considered lost magics, until some folks with it produced kiddos who happened to be born with metal.

we are just seeing this with flare magic.

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ooo that makes sense yeah