Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

No, I was just ganked

Damn bruh scp 106 and 682 gonna be the pirate vice captain and captain

you can just use they if you’re unsure

Bio is “she” right?

i don’t remember, you’d have to ask them

Bro uses god as a weapon
Uploading: Screenshot_20240102-154838.png…

Ah yes Mark Zuckenberg and Edwards father duo. What can go wrong?

Corsair country

Yes, the exact thing that came up in my mind. And the boss will be the first one to tell us about it


hear me out: That’s why Iris is called an Anomaly goofball, cuz she isn’t supposed to exist with a lost magic

My assumption is that she just somehow inherited it with it being at the power of a base magic with some super low chance of happening, sorta like how curse users can pass down their powers in some less powerful form to their children

She probably was experimented on the same as the main character explaining how she got a lost magic at such a young age.

Pretty sure that if she was experimented on, she would have been removed from her father at a young age, so this would go against her not only knowing her father, but also her entire motivation against Ravenna being that they kidnapped her father (who was among many who knew at least SOMETHING about a curse considering thats what the order was mostly after in the bronze sea)

Maybe dad was a part of the order, realised hes not doin anything good, stole the flare scroll for Iris from the order but got caught soon after

he literally is kidnapped and killed alongside multiple others why would they do this if he was already a member

If he betrayed the order by stealing from them, he would surely get killed too. As Elius said, the order doesn’t give second chances

yeah but again he wasn’t part of the order in the first place

Then we should wait for Iris journal for answers or just beat second Bronze sea baron

And also that wouldn’t really explain well how iris still has a lost magic at level 20, so I think her inheriting the magic is still more logical for an explanation

If it was actually “dual” pistols he would’ve kept that name the same

Multiple Pistols means it can be any number of pistols, not just 2. Basically he has 3 guns. Or 4. Or 5 even. But this guy doesn’t just have 2 pistols.

Both “Thalassi” and “Plunderers” are plural. Not sure what a singular Thalassus is but both are plural and neither indicate only two things. But on the plus side we get 3 guns