Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

AO wiki lmao

Can confirm.

ao wiki makes stuff up bluddy, its not 100% accurate

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Go risk your own sanity and stay in the Dark sea for ages to prove this wrong if you are really up to it

also which wiki page is it

Actually, I was the one who brought it up since I was in the same Discord server with someone who also worked on the wiki, I randomly found a person mentioning this feature in Vetcord and asking why its not in the wiki. This was 2 months ago. Last time, they said theyll ask Vetex, so if its there on the wiki nowā€¦ that means it got confirmed.

(Remember, Vetex is now working with the AO Wiki so ye)

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ok which page is it (i am in doubt still)

Maybe itā€™ll be sameria.
Maybe it wonā€™t.

Only time or someone who leaks the names in patreon chat again will tell us.

Found it. Its in Atlantean Page in the AO Wiki. (Though, seems like it needs more info?)

whilst this could just be the wiki being inaccurate as shit, like it normal, but I swear ive seen a fuck ton of atlanteans that either use metal or weapons compared to other atlanteans
(on my metal conj)

This was actually brought up by someone else, which I did forward to in a server where someone who worked on the wiki was also in, and seeing that it could be the caseā€¦ :eyes:

I did also run into some Water mages on my Water Mage file occasionally, now that I think abt it. Could be coincidence since that was range 2 or 1, idrā€¦

on my crystal mage Iā€™ve mostly seen just a mix of all kinds of different atlanteans with mostly solid magics (if they used magic)
On my lightning conjurer file Iā€™ve also mostly seen weapon main atlanteans, but most also had access to things like fighting styles when in range. Iā€™ve only ever seen 1 lightning atlantean on this file, and Iā€™ve done some pretty long expeditions

That actually kind of checks out, during the dark sea update I used stat reset a lot and played many classes on one file, I met many warrior using Atlanteans as a warrior or conjurer, fs using ones as a berserker or warlord and magic using ones mainly as a fire mage(explosion and fire)

I guess it is pretty useful if itā€™s actually a thing, since you would get more weapon using atlanteans as a weapon based build, and thus you will have higher chances at getting a weapon from them, while if youā€™re a build that doesnā€™t use weapons, theyā€™re pretty useless.
(I think, but idk what atlantean weapon drops is based on exactly)
if it does work like that, itā€™s basically a kind of weapon pity system.

Shame we cant get spell scrolls or techniques from mobsā€¦ yet

Tbh I have got weapon drops from atlanteans that werenā€™t even carrying these weps with them. Are you sure an atlantean should wield the weapon to have the chance to drop it? (this goes for atlantean weps, with old/iron ones it works as should be)

Exotic technique scroll: M1 spam

Dw it takes hours for that hidden stat to actually start affecting anything

I donā€™t know exactly
Iā€™ve only ever gotten the exact weapon that the atlantean was using, but it can be entirely possible that Iā€™ve just been very lucky.

I think testers can answer this