Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

?? what is that shit

Ive seen most AO wiki editors struggle with basic arithmetics

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ā€œworkingā€ is a big word, from what I heard they just ask stuff like dailogues and he sends an unformated dialogue textwall still in lua format


Now that you say thisā€¦
When I use my light conjurer, I see more atlanteans with light magic and weapons
When I use my ash iron leg warlock, I see more atlanteans with iron leg and overhall magic
When i use my sailor warlord, I see more atlanteans with weapons (I never saw an atlantean with sailor style)

No npcs with sailor/thermo somewhy use it on full visual (I mean, their damage and speed remain the same as max charged bar through all the fight, but no visual effects like heat or water currents). So maybe you saw sailor atlanteans, but thought its basic combat

Thatā€™s a possibility

i anyways need lots of dark sealed chests so i might as well

Indeed, the best way to tell is to look at the pose that they are in while idle, since both sailor style and thermo fist have a unique pose.

Speaking of fighting styles by the way, can atlanteans have boxing? Iā€™m assuming if they do then the gloves are invisible.

they should get octopus head gloves

random theory I made based on this: what if the reason why skyhall fucking hates sea dwellers is because of the Order trying to see how magic genetics work, and so basically separates skyhall by just spreading propaganda about everyone in seas being garbage so that they can have a clean test pool to test the spread of magic via genetics or smth

Considering their presumed control across the entire war seas, this isnā€™t bad theory.

No, atlanteans can only use ileg, basic and sailor, there will be no thermo, cfist and boxing atlanteans unless simularity stat

Iā€™ve noticed most thermo npcs tend to have a hard time building heat, but Iā€™ve never seen thermoā€™s unique idle however my only fs build is a wood thermo that has never entered the dark sea

They are not seem to have heat bar at all. They have full heat thermo by default but with no heat visuals. Same goes for sailor

I want a REALLY tanky boss tbh, current bosses are too squishy, like, Id love a boss with Calvusā€™ dmg but 50k HP

Thatā€™s fine if the boss doesnā€™t tp everywhere like he just ingested crack

Itā€™s why bosses like elius and especially calvus feel frustrating to people, because they have no proper pattern or even a simple movement path and randomly decide to teleport above you or 2 miles away

Genuinely why argos is a satisfying boss to beat because he is fair


that man will make me quit the game unless you fight him at like level 500

Why so? Same dmg as Calvusā€™ so he wont be too hard, but youll have to actually fight him instead of melting him, the bosses dont feel like bosses, more like jacked up npcs
Also Iā€™m talking about a SIDE BOSS not a mandatory boss

I know what are you talking about. Join my waiting for full release.

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No idgaf about Vitality