Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i dont have to lag for an eternity when trading over 1k bananas between accounts yay!


Well there are certainly things going on there

Woah… this is big… kinda intimidating on the map ngl-


I don’t think you should be trading that many bananas.

Seeing the amount of QoL added just now, I think Vetex took a small break from building the island to prevent burn out (he once said that making the rare spells, techniques and weapon skills over a few days was mind numbingly boring. Poor Vetex)


No way, it’s Sabura from the hit roblox fangame Arcane Reborn!

We no longer need to upgrade weapons!!!

I can’t wait to run the game in unreasonably low FPS when I get to that island :muscle:

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Patreon needs more intense blurs for images; I can discern most things in that Sameria picture.

my guess of sameria being a desert (at least partially) was correct!

also charts are going to be hell on earth to do aren’t they.

It isnt even finished though-

is epic

“it’s not event finished though!!!”

the barely blurred photo of the first new kingdom island and one of the first story islands which probably have some crucial part of the story in it in question:

By the looks of it it kinda looks like shell island with more of a viking setting.

I hate the savant stat changes , it literally just nerfs a class that is already pretty underwhelming. Unless vetex adds a bunch of lower level stuff alongside high level things, it could make sense,. But vetex also increased the stat investment for rare spells and techniques, savant would probably not even get access to those even with the higher level cap.

Well looking at the larger scheme of things its justified a little by imagining that savant being able to wield like a legendary weapon imbued with idk metal or the same op legendary weapon being imbued by a ancient magic? This is just making sure that that does not happen i bet.

But then you would still have conjurers walking around with that same legendary weapon imbued with the same magic

but also I don’t think savants would ever actually get access to both, since they would require way too many stat points even with the current max stat investment for savant.

Well idk whats going through their minds.

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SMALLLL? THAT SMALL? (complete sentence)

Its basically already the size of shell island