Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Bro it’s only really good for the begnning of a fight because it’s will be near impossible to regen back all that damage you took

Good day to have a file with fire magic

Bad day to have cold magics though

Cold magic were meta for way too long

Sadly no, I just respect unpopular things

I waited for it

I remember testers once created a thread about planned intensity rework. Everyone said its perfect and needs to be added, but some Mimhere went evil and closed it while saying its no longer planned. I still want it to return though

I want this version to stay
I want to poison people for a whole minute with a single blast
I want them to suffer as if they’re in the dark sea range 2 without a brig
They shall finally know the wrath of intensity

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This is the most L change ever, vetex refuses to do the balance doc but randomly makes these changes, we are heading towards a glass cannon triple dot meta/knight meta

I don’t get it, how are you going to combine vitality and glass cannon builds

same way as Knight meta pre dark sea, Knight with 140 Power, you get regen and hp from vitality and it’s more effecient than warrior

When I wake up i really hope this change will have been reverted, or we are all so fucked

Im not going less than 2.5k hp on my main, who are those wicked ones who do 140 power knight?

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Me! (Technically I’m a juggernaut but it still counts, right?)

Minmaxers, defence gonna be useless now that it doesn give regen, so they going Vitality for HP and glass cannon gear, Power is meta again

Isn’t the only purpose of vitality rn is to make you hella tanky?

Best hope that this puts a nail into them and causes my fellow Knight friends to become 240 Agility and 130+ Atk Spd demons like me.

I imagine myself standing like a rock when these are trying to do anything to me

Yeah, why do you think I’m going glass cannon? (I have 1.3k hp without any defense)

1.3k. Funny