Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Sounds like a goal to reach, though I disrespect agility to the point Im not using any on 2 of my 3 files

Bro thinks vetex will read the balance doc

@Rayman_Axel im hella confused about what you said here. Assuming your comment was made before the newest trello patchnote states that in combat regen is 1/4th of out of combat regen that would mean that in combat regen is half of normal regen. Without defense and vitality your hp stat at lvl 125 is 968 and normal regen is always 1% of your hp per sec/tick. 0.5% of 968 is not 7 but actually 4.84 or for simplicity’s sake 5. Ofc, now with in combat regen being 1/4th the new regen per sec in combat would be 2.42 or 2.5 for simplicity.
So either you made a mistake or im missing something

This screenshot comes from reminders for ao btw

Maybe not vetex, but testers will

It’s 3/4th not 1/4th, it’s -25% while in combat, not 25%

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Oh shit i see, ty for pointing that out

So basically base regen got buffed by 50% in combat, but Defence doesn’t affect it anymore

Base regen is still 1% of your hp (excluding defense but including vitality) but in combat regen is now 0.75%

“in combat”, it went from 0,5% to 0,75%, that’s a 50% increase

Yeah we’re saying the same thing now im just saying it again to make it easier to understand (at least to me)

defense still affects out of combat regen

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Agree. It only helps with sus liquid in dark sea and lightnings. And also those damn sea urchins and jellyfish

Wardens are going to be shit at this point.

Nah they are gonna dominate

No way, that change just makes them shittest thing of all shittest things. Like, the only difference between mage and warden is that warden got bigger health capacity and his attacks waste this health.

Whole point of defence in battle is to clash your regen with attacker’s power stat to prevent from high health loss in a battle. Like… if enemy’s damage is too low, then your shitton of health will extend your regeneration and you will be able to just heal to max hp between his attacks or atleast regen half of the damage that enemy dealt to you.

But health’s capacity will just allow you to absorb 1-3 hits to reach the same health that your opponent have. And I’ll better just invest in more power than that.

Well, theres a point.

Overworld bounty hunting will be a lot worse with the regen change. It’s a matter of who strikes first now

Complete oppisite, you might not know how to read but Vitality still affects regen, but Defence doesnt, making Vitality the only way to increase your regen