Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

bro’s bout to cover most of Vimir Sea.

That also means the largest island overall… or I just hope so

I don’t know what you’re all talking about
Othrys has been the least laggy island I’ve visited since release

It’s not Othrys itself but rather the titan caverns that causes a large drop in frames

I think spruce trees are the main cause

how and in what way?


It’s either so laggy it paralyses my Boat or it’s the least laggy island.

It usually becomes not laggy when i get onto the summit.

Thats true

How do you think sailors fist will interact with the FS armor? Or cannon fist for that matter? Their affinities oscillate wildly, so will the stats vary too?

I’d guess that sailor fist would just have the boost from it’s max resource bar, probably giving a size increase

for cannon fist, it might not even be a substat, but rather a percentage increase in damage against ships, since vetex did change how the jewel modifiers appear
(I’m not entirely sure, but it would make the most sense)

please no more talking cryonical is going to cry


It probably won’t load Sameria all at once.
PCs that aren’t low-end would be struggling too in it loads all at once

I think Aether would more likely give size instead
From what we’ve seen from the aethereal ornament and king calvus, Aether seems to be a slower magic

that could’ve just been some of the spells though, pulsar for example is slow no matter what i think

Me when Calvus is basically teleporting:

cry indeed
also for some reason i always pronounce his name in my head “cryocynical” instead of cryonical and this is the first time i’ve thought about the correct pronunciation and spelling

I believe it was supposed to be an enhanced version of the range and size parts of light magic, while having lower speed
besides, it’s also more potent if you charge it compared to uncharged attacks as demonstrated by Calvus’ 500! 500! 500!

My question is why tho.

I mean, the first times that I went to Mt Olimpus I didn’t have any problems at all. (Almost 1 year ago :sweat_smile:)

Why now instead I freeze just by being in sight distance.

alright let’s check up on my unreads- oOHMYFUCKNGOD

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