Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Making the dark sea a separate server just unnecessarily complicates the process of getting in, it’s just not that good of an idea. It’s fine as is.

Just make it so you can’t teleport in combat it’s that easy

Heck we technically don’t even need a teleport wall just make it so the title screen has a dark sea server option and we just spawn in with a boat

Also no the fuck it isn’t :sob: there’s plenty of reasons stated why it’s a shitty idea to be apart of the main game

i’d rather wait an extra 30 seconds to load into the dark sea than play on 20 fps

You’re going to be playing on 20 fps regardless, changing dark seas to another server isn’t going to fix this

why wouldn’t it?

This is AO, it’s gonna be laggy no matter what you try bro :person_shrugging:

don’t care if it “complicates” anything, it will absolutely help with performance lol

doesn’t mean you should give up on optimization

Never said to give up on optimization, it’s just that the dark seas being moved isn’t going to change it at all.

Morden is literally

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why wouldn’t it?
you’ll have another server to handle loading in all the dark sea stuff so the bronze sea servers won’t have as much strain

I have had way more lag issues on previous versions than this, there are way more things causing lag than dark sea

you are ignoring other factors like roblox updates and vetex optimizing the game, just because it was worse before doesn’t mean it can’t be made better

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I want the secret island where you could unlock piss magic

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what made you like this



im going fucking insane


probably because of the lack of patches